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Pioneer 8-Track Tape Deck Player Recorder Model H-R99
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Pioneer 8-Track Tape Deck Player Recorder Model H-R99

This is regarded as one of the very best 8-track tape decks ever manufactured by Pioneer. It still works after all these years. The belts may need replacing eventually, but the unit has played dozens of tapes without issue during testing. All the lights even work! Built like a tank as described by customer reviews, people who like 8-track buy this unit in multiples on Ebay. The recording quality is supposed to be excellent by 8-track standards. The unit has some markings on the case, but nothing beyond surface level. Some of the marks could come off with about 45 mins of careful cleaning (maybe paint specs). The rest are small surface scratches. Electronically fully-functional.

CA$ 500.00 CAD
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